8 october, 2021

Al - Farabi KazNU actively interacts with foreign universities, enriching the educational and scientific activities of the country's leading university. Within the framework of the meeting of the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector Zh.K. Tuimebayeva with the first vice-rector for creative searches and director of the "Mountaintop" initiative of Likhai University, professor Khanjan Mehta, the parties discussed the prospects for cooperation and the implementation of joint projects.

For many years KazNU has been successfully cooperating with Lehigh University (USA, Bethlehem), which is recognized as one of the most prestigious research institutions in the world.

During the visit, representatives of Lehigh University - First Vice-Rector for Creative Research and Director of the Mountaintop Initiative, Professor Hanjan Mehta and Dean of the Teachers College, Vice-Rector for Educational Innovation, Professor William Gaudelli - got acquainted with the campus, visited the Al-Farabi Library.

Within the framework of the meeting, a meaningful dialogue took place, during which directions for further interaction of universities with the aim of interchange and development of higher education and science of the two countries were determined.

In his welcoming speech, the head of the university said that KazNU interacts with US academic institutions in various fields. To date, over 10 agreements have been signed with leading universities, institutes, research centers, associations, and non-governmental organizations in the United States. Within the framework of the agreements, various educational and educational programs and scientific and innovative projects are being successfully implemented. As an example, the rector cited the cooperation of KazNU with the American Council, which dates back to 2014. As part of the agreement, this reputable organization admits the university annually to students from US universities for one-year and summer language internship programs. Since 2014, 340 American students have been trained under the Flagship, Russian Language and International Diplomacy curriculum. In addition, since 2011, a joint program has been implemented with the Earth Institute of Columbia University and KazNU - MDP / Global Classroom, which unites 24 leading universities in the world.

“KazNU, aimed at improving the human capital index, enhancing the role of science and education in the development of the country, has set the task of promoting fundamental education and advanced science by exchanging experience with leading universities in the world,” Zhanseit Kanseitovich emphasized. “In this regard, we express our readiness to develop partnership with your university, to support initiatives aimed at expanding fruitful cooperation.”

In turn, the first vice-rector for creative searches and director of the Mountaintop initiative, Professor Khanjan Mehta, thanking the leadership of the university for the warm welcome, spoke about the achievements of Lehigh University, new areas of work in the field of science and education and noted the readiness for a productive dialogue aimed at implementing promising joint projects.

The parties exchanged views on the possibilities of organizing and operating joint research laboratories in the most breakthrough innovative areas. The prospects of scientific research on topical issues of science and technology, social and humanitarian problems with the publication and exchange of materials were also considered.

As the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on sustainability, KazNU offered Lehigh University a partnership for the implementation of educational programs and research projects in the field of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this direction, the university has two UNESCO Chairs at the Faculties of Journalism (Faculty of Journalism), Geography and Nature Management (Geological Faculty), as well as the UN Resource Center at the Faculty of International Relations (FMO), the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development.

The proposals were met with great interest. It was decided to develop a strategy for further interaction within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU

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