20 october, 2021

In the scientific library named after Al-Farabi, within the framework of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a scientific and practical forum was held - "Spiritual Harmony - the basis of interfaith dialogue and a culture of peace."

The first World Congress of Spiritual Accord was held in 1992 in Almaty. The forum was attended by experts, public figures, theologians, leaders of the clergy and clergy, as well as representatives of authorized bodies from other regions.

The main task of the forum is to discuss topical issues in the field of dialogue between religions and spiritual development, strengthen the culture of peace and develop general recommendations for strengthening mutual respect between religious communities.



The work of the forum was opened by the Deputy Akim of Almaty Yerzhan Babakumarov, who noted the great contribution of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev and Head of State K.K. Tokayev to the formation and positioning of Kazakhstan as a unique platform for dialogue and cooperation, recognized in all civilized countries.

Kazakhstan is the only state in the world that unites more than 130 nations and nationalities, representatives of 18 religions and confessions. “Kazakhstan is the author of a number of important international peacekeeping initiatives, especially in the field of organizing a dialogue between religions and civilizations. A striking example of success was the holding of congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions in our capital. Thanks to this, today objective prerequisites have been created for opening new horizons of interaction between various religious communities, and a new model of interfaith dialogue and harmony has been formed on the territory of our country, ”Deputy Akim Yerzhan Babakumarov said in his speech.

The forum was also attended by: Consul General of the Russian Federation in Almaty Yevgeny Bobrov, Chief Imam of Almaty Tolebi Ospan, Keeper of the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty Alexander Suvorov, Vice-President of the International Fund "Congress of Spiritual Accord" Anuar Kokimbaev, acting Vice-rector for social development of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Aliya Masalimova and others.

The speakers noted the importance of spiritual harmony in society, which must be strengthened and preserved through the interaction of government agencies, public organizations, educational institutions and religious leaders.


   Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU

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