Social and cost-effective online event" 30 years of independence"

8 november, 2021

"Tauelsizdikke 30 zhyl"
social and educational online event

Within the framework of the project "Rukhani zhangyru!" senior lecturer of the Department of "Business Technologies" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi KazNU R.M. Malikov and 1st-year students of the specialty "Logistics" (LG21K3 group) held a social and educational online event "Tauelsizdikke 30 zhyl" on 10.09.2021 on the 30th anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the socio-educational online event: fostering love for the Motherland, love for the native country, land, fostering a sense of beauty, responsibility, patriotism for the country, land, education of citizenship, continuing the heritage of their country.
Independence and freedom are the country's long-standing desires. Independence is the historical result of the centuries-old struggle of our people for freedom and independent development. Independence is our main value. For 30 years we have experienced difficult market transitions, forming an independent Kazakhstan country.
All students of the group took part in the event. Rakhymbai Akmaral read a verse dedicated to independence. K3 Logistics Group presented 30 notable changes and achievements for the 30th anniversary of independence. Let the dawn of independent Kazakhstan be bright, let it become the pinnacle of the generation of a sovereign country!

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