Will take the course "Neuroimaging: modern approaches and practices"

12 november, 2021

Dear teachers, PhD-students, undergraduates, master's and undergraduate students, and all who are interested in neuroscience! We are glad to announce that within the framework of the state program of invitation of foreign scientists, the al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host a training course "Neuroimaging: modern approaches and practices" from November 15 to December 15, 2021.

Author and lecturer of the course - PhD, head of the Sector for Psychodiagnostics, Brain Stimulation and Functional MRI of the Laboratory of Affective, Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience of the Research Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (Novosibirsk, RF), lecturer of special courses in neuroscience Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics of the Humanities Institute of NSU, editor-reviewer of scientific journals Behavioral Neuroscience Archive, Individual and Social Behaviors, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Ivan Viktorovich Brak (Hirsch citation index - 7).

Ivan Viktorovich, having rich experience in scientific research in the field of neuroscience and being a recognized international expert in the analysis and interpretation of EEG and MRI data, masters the most modern methods of processing and decoding brain signals, the knowledge of which he will share in his author's course. Brak I.V. will consider topics such as neural network theory, experimental paradigm options, MRI data analysis tools, and many others.

Classes will be held daily from Monday to Friday from 14.30 to 16.30-18.30 in classrooms and / or laboratories 431, 214, 427, 436 of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of al-Farabi KazNU. Everyone is welcome, admission is free.

The program and schedule of classes of Ivan Viktorovich Brak can be found at the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience of the Faculty.

 Phones for inquiries:

+7 (727) 377-33-33 (internal - 1903)

8 702 938 88 16

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