This year is the 180th anniversary of the great teacher I. Altynsarin, who became one of the outstanding figures in the history of the Kazakh people, the first Kazakh teacher, propagandist of education and training on the Kazakh land, the "Steppe Lighthouse". On the significant date, November 3, 2021, at 15.00, an online event "The Legacy of Ibrai Altynsarin" was held. Organizers: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bedelova G.S., Ph.D., Professor Myrzabekova R.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor Mukhazhanova T.N., students of 2-3 courses of the specialty "Library information systems". During the event, students made a presentation on the topic "Ibrai is a poet, writer, translator, publicist, ethnographer, critic", read the poems of Ibrai Altynsarin, showed photos, videos. We were introduced to the foundation of the Ibray Altynsarin Memorial Museum. Today's anniversary year and its celebration among students is, first of all, a good thing for restoring the spiritual heritage of the great teacher. The study of the moral path, the legacy of the great teacher is the duty of subsequent generations.