Biological product for cleaning soil and water from oil pollutio

20 november, 2021

The aim of the project is to create a production facility for the production of microbial preparations for the restoration of disturbed and polluted soils, as well as for agriculture.

KNOW-HOW is the production of biological products and the organization of a small innovative enterprise for the production of biological products for oil-producing and agro-industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan.

Relevance and novelty - Pollution of the natural environment by oil and petroleum products today is one of the complex and multifaceted problems of ecology and environmental protection. No other pollutant can be compared by the breadth of distribution, the number of sources of pollution, the levels of chemical loads on all components of landscapes.

In Kazakhstan, oil fields occupy huge areas. When oil and petroleum products enter the soil, significant, and often irreversible changes in its chemical, physical, and microbiological properties occur, sometimes leading to the restructuring of not only the entire soil profile, but also the soil cover over large areas.

The most promising method of purification is the complex use of bioremediation, including agro- and microbiological techniques. In this case, the deficiency of microorganisms can be eliminated by introducing preparations from destructive microorganisms.

Currently, a promising direction is the creation of multicomponent plant-microbial systems that reproduce optimal natural agrophytocenoses and ensure high sustainability of agriculture. Microbial preparations developed by both foreign and Kazakhstani scientists based on microorganisms of various taxonomic groups are already used in agricultural production.

Preparations developed in other countries are not applicable in the conditions of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to take into account the soil and climatic conditions in the cleaning sites. The production of biological products based on microorganisms adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is environmentally friendly, has no carcinogenic waste and harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The estimated volume of production per year will be determined taking into account the size of the market and the possibility of export.

Practical significance - Biological products based on destructor strains are adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the oil-producing regions of the republic. Designed to clean soil and water from oil and petroleum products pollution in order to improve the environmental situation of the environment and reclamation of oil-contaminated lands. When using the drug, the processes of biodegradation of hydrocarbons caused effective purification of the soil from oil hydrocarbons and improvement of its ecological condition. The introduction of the drug into the oil-contaminated soil increased the efficiency of the processes of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, the loss was more than 85%.

In Kazakhstan, there is enough territory with a level of contamination of the surface layers of soils from 30 to 40 percent, deeper layers are polluted, for example, on the coastal plain oil penetrates to a depth of 45-50 cm. Under these conditions, bioremediation methods are of particular importance.

Working out the use of experimental samples of biological products in order to obtain the required level of high-quality crop yields, preserve and increase soil fertility, and protect the environment from pollution is an important stage in their development. For Kazakhstan, the study of the effectiveness of the use of biological preparations in the cultivation of cereals (winter and spring wheat, barley, oats) and fodder crops in conditions and the establishment of the most optimal combinations of the use of various types of fertilizers and biological products is relevant.

The object of implementation is Bioorta LLP (2010), Ozenmunaigas JSC (2013), Embamunaigas JSC (2018).

Prospects for implementation - The preparation for cleaning is applicable in practice for the technology of recovery of oil-contaminated soils, neutralization of smeared soils, liquid drilling waste and solid combustible oil-containing waste. Microbial preparations for the agro-industrial complex will provide import substitution in the agricultural sector related to ensuring food security of the region and the country. Organization of obtaining experimental batches of various biological products based on microorganisms for cleaning polluted soils with pollutants and for agro-industrial enterprises.

Consumers - the oil-producing and oil-refining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, agro-industrial enterprises, nature protection services, the private sector.

Competitiveness - The transition to a "green" economy, associated with the creation of environmentally friendly technologies and products such as microbial preparations for cleaning from pollution and improving soil fertility, are designed to help and benefit nature by improving the ecological condition of disturbed lands. Innovative, modern and safe biological product will be in demand for oil and gas sector enterprises as one of the leading sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Soils before cleaning                                                 Soils after cleaning

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