Premiere screening of a Russian film "Yascherka vernyotsya"

21 november, 2021

The premiere screening of the Russian film "Yascherka vernyotsya" took place at the National Library in Almaty on November 13, 2021. Russian Russian as a foreign language students of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, together with the head of the center "Russian Language and Culture" and primary school students of Almaty schools, were able to attend the premiere of the film adaptation of the most mystical and mysterious writer of the Urals Pavel Bazhov at the invitation of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Before the screening of the film, Chairman of the Board of the BAZHOV Charitable Foundation S.V. Polyganov, senior researcher of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.D. Trachtenberg, Chairman of the department of the Childre's and Youth Charity Organization "Childre's Order of Mercy" M.G. Cherkasova, Head of the People's Heritage Museum P.P. Bazhov "Malachite Casket" A.P. Fedosov, The plot of the film includes 9 tales of Bazhov, merged with modernity. The stories of children intertwined with the amazing plots of Bazhov fairy tales! The film is directed by Andrey Kim, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation. The Master Studio was able to illustrate with amazing vividness the connection between the Russian original culture and the modern school. The result was a childre's, modern, dynamic, fascinating film, which was made with great love for Pavel Bazhov. After the premiere of the film, director Andrey Kim conducted a quiz among schoolchildren on the knowledge of Pavel Bazhov's fairy tales, the winners received their awards.

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