31 january, 2022

The number of young scientists has increased in Kazakhstan. If in 2018 their number was more than 8,000 people, then by the end of 2021, 9,200 young workers are working in the field of science. To attract young professionals to the scientific field, significant work has been carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science.

“The arrival of young people in the scientific field speaks of the attractive conditions being created. This became possible thanks to the measures taken by the state to support young researchers. Financing of science from the budget in the last two years has almost doubled. The terms of grant funding for scientific projects have been extended to 5 years. If earlier competitions for grants were held once every 3-5 years, now they are held annually. Reporting has been reduced, bureaucratic barriers have been removed. Separate grants are provided for young scientists, scholarships for undergraduates and doctoral students have been significantly increased. Special awards for young researchers have been established. On behalf of the Head of State, Kazakh scientists were given the opportunity to undergo internships in leading scientific centers of the world. Thus, all conditions are created for the implementation of scientific ideas and the potential of young scientists,” said Zhanna Kurmangaliyeva, chairperson of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ruslan Abitaev, a researcher at the Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems (RIBSP), is one of the young scientists who took part in the development of the domestic QazVac vaccine. He works in the Laboratory of Control, Biologics Technology, and tests vaccines for safety and immunogenicity. The young scientist is 28 years old, and he notes a significant increase in state support for young scientists.

“My mother is a teacher, she teaches biology at school. She always talked about science with interest, took me to the laboratory, showed me microscopes. I was very interested in this direction. In the 9th grade, I learned about the Institute for Biological Safety Problems. Then I decided that I would do science and work at RIBSP. While studying at KazNU, I annually underwent research practice at this institute, and after graduating from the university, I was hired here. As a young scientist, I feel great support from the state. Five years ago, I started as a laboratory assistant at RIBSP, now I am a researcher, and during this time my salary has grown significantly. You know that a biopharmaceutical plant was built, equipped with modern equipment in accordance with international standards. In addition, as a young employee of the institute, I received the keys to a new three-room apartment. Very good conditions are being created in our country for engaging in scientific activities, and therefore I am glad that now our ranks are significantly replenished,” said scientist Ruslan Abitaev.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


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