22 february, 2022

On February 25, 2022 at 11.00 am at the Teleradiocomplex № 3-3 named after. Marat Barmankulov at the Faculty of Journalism of al-Farabi Kazakh National University will be held the International scientific and practical conference in mixed format (hybrid) “JOURNALISM FOR ALL: MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGIES OF THE NEW GENERATION”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the founder of television and radio journalism in Kazakhstan, Professor Marat Karibaevich Barmankulov, a mentor to many generations of journalists in the country, who laid the foundations of scientific school of journalism in Kazakhstan and made a significant contribution to the development of national television and radio broadcasting.



Conference directions:

  1. • Modern development of Kazakh journalism;
  2. • Technologies and trends of mass media;
  3. • New media - challenges of the digital age;
  4. • Information culture: problems and prospects;
  5. • Issues of media personnel training;
  6. • Creativity, research and legacy of Professor M.K.Barmankulov.
  • The international scientific and practical conference "Journalism for All: Media and New Generation Technologies" is held as part of the traditional "Barmankulov Readings". The conference will be attended by M.K. Barmankulov’s family, friends, colleagues, researchers of journalism and mass communications, students of the professor, media professionals, undergraduate, master and doctoral students of the Faculty of Journalism.


Additional Information:

  • Marat Karibaevich Barmankulov (1937-2000) - worked at his native university for over 35 years. Since 1965, he has worked his way up from assistant of the Department to Doctor of Philology, professor, dean of full-time and correspondence faculties of Journalism. In 1991 – First deputy editor of the leading republican newspaper of the country "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda". The first books of M.K. Barmankulov "Reportage on radio and TV" (1970), "The whole world is in your apartment" (1972), "Journalism for everyone" are also reference books for the current generation of journalism students of the XXI century. Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov is an academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Journalism, an outstanding scientist, telepublicist, author of many books on journalism and mass communication, cultural studies, Turkology.


  • Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, al-Farabi avenue, 71 KazNU named after al-Farabi, Faculty of Journalism,
  • Head of the Department of Printing and Electronic Media, Doctor of Political Sciences,
  • Professor G.S. Sultanbaeva, tel .: +77272211492, mob: +77073777049
  • Professor S.Kh. Barlybayeva, tel.: 8-777-338-61-32 Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific and
  • Innovative Work and International Relations, PhD - A.B. Akynbekova, tel .: +77272211351, mob .: +77772750861
  • ID: 714 088 7304
  • Код: jLxz2B


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