A meeting was held on the theme "Independence is a priceless treasure of our country"

28 february, 2022

Teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Al-Farabi KazNU, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Akhmetzhanova Azhar Toksankyzy, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Tasilova Nazia Aitbaevna, Doctor of PhD, Associate Professor Baidavletova Madina Dosbergenkyzy, Doctor of PhD Iskakova Galiya Zeydildaevna December 2, 2021 at 12 o’clock held a meeting with students of the secondary school named after T Ryskulov, Uzynagash village, Zhambyl district of Almaty region on the topic “Independence is a priceless treasure of our country”. This year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Independent Kazakhstan. During this time, Kazakhstan gained freedom and proved that it is an independent country in the world. It has become an independent secular country with its own borders, religion and language, state symbols and national values, culture and traditions.

Independence is, first of all, the result of high dreams and courage of the Kazakh people, striving for freedom. Our support is independence, our desire is stability, our hand is unity. With gaining independence, our people came to the eternal, cherished goal. That is why Independence Day is the most sacred day for us. We have achieved all our achievements today thanks to Independence. Independence is a great happiness given by God to our generation, the eternal value of our people.

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