"Цифровая мастерская преподавателя"

4 may, 2022

📍“Teacher's Digital Workshop” continues its work 🎉 📣 Master class topic “Organization and testing of students on the educational MS Teams platform in distance learning (case study of the Faculty of Oriental Studies)”
1️⃣ Creation and setup of tests in MS Teams;2️⃣ Using the “OneNote notebook” tool in MS Teams;3️⃣ Creation of test task templates and collaboration in MS Forms.
Coach: Jubatova Bayan Nursultanovna (Professor of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia, Faculty of Oriental Studies)
▶️ Date and time of the master class: February 17, 17:00.
⤵️ Connection link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6921559903?pwd=UnJibTJlWUN3VG5sc0ZjdlA4MzJrdz09Access code:111