4 may, 2022

The moderators of the event were Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gabitov Tursin Hafizovich and Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Zholdubayeva Azhar Kuanyshbekovna. Also, a report on the relevance of the topic was made by: Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Kalmyk State University (Russian Federation), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Badmaev Valery Nikolaevich, Head of the Department of Bukhara Medical University named after Ibn Sino (Uzbekistan), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Shadmanov Kurban Badritdinovich, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Political Science and Religious Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kosichenko Anatoly Grigorievich and Executive Director of the NGO "Philosophical Congress", Chief Researcher of the Center of Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the KN MES RK, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Ayazhan Sagievna. The event, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies, the Al-Farabi Center and the Kazaktanu Center, touched upon topical issues of cultural anthropology, discussed the formation, present and future of this science in Kazakhstan.