International round table «New Kazakhstan needs a new philosophy»

4 may, 2022

President of the Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress S.T. Seidumanov, Vice-Presidents T. H. Gabitov and G. K. Shalabayeva, Executive Director of the Congress A. Sagievna, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University B. B. Meirbayev, Heads of departments G.O. Nasimova, A.A. Kuranbek, A.D., Kurmanalieva, G.S. Abdiraimova, Doctors of Philosophy A.A. Khamidov, G.G. Solovyova S.E. Nurmuratov, B.M. Satershinov, K. Alzhan and Professor of the University of Hadzhettepe Ozkul Chobanogly (Turkey, Ankara) during the discussion expressed valuable thoughts about the past, present and future of Kazakh philosophy.

The Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress awarded certificates of participation to students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University who have achieved significant success in the educational process and scientific research Ilesbek A., Sharafutdinova A., Oryn A., Alshynova A., Kunarbayeva M.