International forum

15 may, 2022

At the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the 1st International Forum of Rectors of Universities of Central Asia was held. The forum was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ASKhat Aimagambetov, chairman of the board-director of the treasury named after El-Farabi Zhansit Tuimebaev, ministers of education, science and rector of universities in Central Asia.
Speaking at the forum, Minister Askhat Aimagambetov warmly greeted all participants and guests of the forum, noting the priority of the development of education and science among universities in Central Asia, strengthening relations related to high -quality research in advanced areas, and the introduction of innovations. In addition, speaking of the achievements of Kazakhstan in the development of higher education, he noted that 14 universities in the country are among world ratings. Today, Kazakhstan is an active participant in the Bologna process. The university, responding to employers' requests, significantly expanded the list of educational programs developed by universities. This will positively affect the development of practical directions of higher education.