Scientists and students of Kazakh National university took part in international scientific project of Start-up company BrainPatch (UK)

25 may, 2022


   The Start-up company BrainPatch (London, UK) expressed gratitude to scientists and students of Kazakh national university - professor, c.b.s., head of the department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience Kustuabeva Almira Melsovna; Deputy Head of Department, Ph.D. Datkhabaeva Gaukhar Kubenovna; undergraduate students Zetova Aruzhan and Raykhanova Dariga; and master student Zhadygerova Assel and Pivkina Veronika - for their active participation in the implementation of an international scientific study initiated by the Start-up company BrainPatch Ltd. The project “Study of the effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation on heart rate variability” was designed for investigation the effectiveness of innovative high-tech device BrainPatch for non-invasive eclectic stimulation of vagus nerve, aimed at increasing the adaptive potential and stress resistance. As a token of gratitude for the significant contribution to the Start-up project, BrainPatch donated seven human heart monitoring device - Polar trackers (USA) to the Research Center of Cognitive Neuroscience, Kazakh national university.

 G.Datkhabaeva, B. Amanbaeva, A. Bektursynova, employees of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university.