Republican Subject Olympiad on "International Law"-2022

22 june, 2022

On April 30, 2022 the Department of International Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University conducted the Republican Subject Olympiad of "International Law"-2022. 28 students from 10 Kazakhstan universities took part in the Olympiad, such as University "Turan-Astana", Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, L.N. Gumilev ENU, Buketov Karaganda University, E.A. Buketov, Yasawi MKTU, SDU, KazUMOiMYa, UIB, KIMEP and Turan.

In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Board, Rector of KazNU Tuymebaev J.K. approved the composition of the competition commission, the head of which was the Director of the International Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.V. Zhumakanov.

The National Olympiad consisted of 3 rounds, including test tasks and oral questions and answers in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Having considered results of participants of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad on "International Law" the competitive commission defined winners by results of all rounds:

- Diploma of I degree is awarded to KIMEP University student Daniil Litosh, supervisor: Sayapin S.V.

- Diploma of II degree was awarded to Sophia Amirovna Khalikova, a student of KIMEP University, supervisor: Sergey Sayapin.

- Diploma of III degree is awarded to Yana Burmistrova, a student of the University of International Business, supervisor: R.A. Zhumabekova.

Participants noted high organization of the Olympiad, objectivity and impartiality of the competition committee.