Meeting with 1st year students during Orientation Week

30 august, 2022

On August 29, 2022, the teaching staff of the Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies of the Historical Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University met with 1st year students enrolled in the faculty's specialties as part of the orientation week. During the meeting, the head of the department, Acting associate Professor Zhumatay Gabit Bekenovich congratulated the students on the start of the new academic year, professors of the department Sultangalieva G.S., Tuleubaev T.A., associate professors Kartabaeva E.T. and Miymanbayeva F.N. described in detail the specialties of the faculty and generally introduced to the life of the university. And the deputy head of the department for educational, methodical and educational work, acting Professor Alpysbaeva Nurzipa Kumeshbaikyzy answered various additional questions and students received answers to their questions.