Discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhsta

9 september, 2022

On September 8, 2022, a student round table on the topic was held at the Department of International Law: «Reboot of Public Administration» in the light of the Address of the Head of State K-J.K.Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan «A fair state. One nation. Prosperous Society» dated September 1, 2022.

As you know, in his Message, the President of the country outlined a set of systemic and sectoral measures aimed at ensuring the qualitative development of the economy and improving the welfare of the population in the modern period.

The round table, where issues of public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed, was attended by the Head of the Department of International Law, candidate of legal sciences, docent Sairambayeva Zh.T., doctor of legal sciences, professor Shakirov K.N., candidate of legal sciences, docent Tussupova A.Zh. and students of the EP «International Law».      

The participants of the round table actively exchanged views on the issues of high-quality implementation of the tasks set out in the Address of the Head of the State.

The round table discussed issues of education, health, social policy, employment issues of university graduates. Students of the EP «International Law» noted that the state in its actions should focus on creating public goods and came to the conclusion that the model of public administration should continue to develop on the principles of a «hearing», effective, accountable, professional and pragmatic state, serve as a guide in the implementation of socio-economic reforms.