KazNU journals in the Web of Science database

28 september, 2022

The Bulletin series of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University areincluded in the "Emerging Sources Citation Index" within the Web of Sciencecore collection system. Nowadays the number of scientific journals indexed inthe database reaches 7, which is the highest indicator among HEI andResearch Institutes in Kazakhstan.

The three scientific journals of the Al-Farabi KazNU, namely, the series ofthe Bulletin "Chemical", "Physical"and "Mathematics, Mechanics andInformatics" has expanded the list of university publications indexed in the Web ofScience. This database already include journals “International Journal ofMathematics and Physics”, “International Journal of Biology and Chemistry”, aswell as “Eurasian Chemical-Technological Journal” and “News of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Series Physico-Mathematical”, which was recently joined the list with Al Farabi KazNU.As it follows from Clarivate Analytics’ policy, the journal selection forEmerging Sources Citation Index is the first and important step on the way for thejournal to get included in the main Web of Science Core Collection Database,which in turn will give an impact-factor index, based on the citation index. The inclusion of three KazNU journals into the most author itativeinternational database that indexes World’s best scholarly publications is yetanother confirmation of the consistent course towards internationalization and thedevelopment of a research university.

Office of Science and Publication Activity