Republic literary competition among medical professionals

3 october, 2022


Information letter

he Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature of Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University announces a Republican literary competition among medical professionals, devoted to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding public figure, scientist, teacher Ahmet Baitursynuly.


Timeframes of carrying out: The competition is held from June 30 to August 26, 2022.

Summarizing and announcement of the main results of the Competition – September 29, 2022.


Objectives of Competition:

1. Identification of talented creative personalities among medical employees of Kazakhstan, presentation of their works to the public.

2. Promotion of in-depth study of the state language among representatives of various fields of activity.


Nominations for medical organizations:

The best video on topics

1. "One day in the life of a medical worker."

2. "The world of Akhmet Baitursynuly".


Nominations of Competition for medical employees:

1. The best poetic work.

2. The best prosaic work.

3. The best publicistic work (essay, article).



1. Works of winners of competition will be published in collection of works.

2. To the participants of the competition who has borrowed first 20 seats, the possibility free-of-charge will be provided to visit the master-classes of leading scientists-literary critics, modern prose writers and poets on literary skill, oratory, to receive consultations.

3. Besides diplomas 1, 2, 3 degrees, will be give a special prize of reader's sympathies (on results of discussion of works on the Internet sites of organizers of competition).


Conditions of competition:

1. Only medical organizations and medical employees can participate in the competition.

2. All materials are accepted only in Kazakh.


Requirements to competitive works:


1. For videos:

Videos of no more than 5 minutes are accepted.


2. For literary works:

1. On competition works in total amount no more than 10 printed pages, typed Times New Roman through one interval 14 size strike root. Fields on 2 sm from different directions.


2. It is necessary to put to competitive works:


a)      The application about the participation, containing following data:

Name of author

Place of work


Contact data, phone, e-mail, WhatsApp


Agreement to the publication of the sent works on sites of organizers of competition and in collection of works;


b)      The brief creative biography (no more than 1 printed page).


Organization moments of competition:

1. The participant of competition sends by email addressed to organizers the works, the application, the brief creative biography, that expressing the agreement with the gratuitous publication of the works on sites of organizers of competition and in collection of works.

2. Organizers of competition on the discretion shape jury of literary competition from among the writers leading scientists-literary critics, philologists, medical employees.

3. Organizers of competition have the right:

- To spend preliminary selection of verses for competition;

- To publish on a site of organizers the selected works of each author,


4. Organizers of competition do not edit the sent works and do not bear the responsibility for their content. All the works sent on competition will be published in author's edition.


Contact data of organizers of competition:

Official sites of organizers of literary competition: 


E-mail for supply of applications and sending of works:

Phones: 7(727) 3773339 (+1328, 1330)