Mitsubishi Corporation encouraged another student

12 october, 2022

Mitsubishi Corporation has been awarding scholarships to Kaznu students since 2012. As a result, many students were educated at the best universities in Japan. This year, the corporation awarded a scholarship to the best student of the Department of Japanese Studies of the Department of the Far East of the Faculty of Oriental Studies in the amount of 1,500,000 tenge. This year, third-year students with a high GPA score and good command of Japanese and English took part in the competition. According to the results of the competition, a 3rd-year student of the specialty "Oriental Studies"Alpysbay Dinara Talgatkyzy received a scholarship and had the opportunity to attend Osaka University of Japan for 6 months. International and local partners of the university provide more opportunities for the development of students' knowledge. In this regard, we express our great gratitude to Mitsubishi Corporation and all our other partners.