20 october, 2022

As part of the mission of the headquarters "For Fair Elections", a meeting was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with representatives of non-governmental organizations, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teaching staff on the topic "Constitutional guarantees of citizens' electoral rights".
The moderator of the meeting was Doctor of Law, Professor Alua Ibraeva. Opening the event, she spoke about the mission of lawyers during the electoral period and elaborated on the main changes concerning electoral legislation. "The importance of elections for the development of a democratic society is indisputable,– said Alua Ibraeva. – The relevance of this conference lies in the fact that the public, scientists, experts are actively involved in the process of improving election legislation. The recommendations of scientists are important for the legislature."
Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law Daulet Baideldinov separately focused on the constitutional guarantees of citizens' electoral rights. "Early elections of the Head of State are necessary as obtaining a mandate of trust from the people to expand democratic reforms," the speaker stressed. "They concern all aspects of the life of Kazakhstanis."

A member of the staff, a well-known legal scholar Yermek Abdrasulov highlighted in detail the main provisions of the constitutional reform, electoral legislation, organization of the electoral process, etc.
Addressing the audience, he called: "It is the duty of all citizens to express their position in the elections, which are an indicator of the active participation of the people in managing the affairs of the state, in building a New, fair Kazakhstan. Youth is one of the important electoral resources of our state, it is the future of our country! Therefore, our young people need to show their involvement in political life and express their will."
Professor Yerkin Duissenov in his speech noted the need to modernize the electoral legislation, revealed novelties in the electoral process.

The topic of participation of observers in the electoral process, their rights and obligations, as well as the specifics of the nomination of candidates for President of the Republic of Kazakhstan aroused great interest.
The university management, professors and teachers noted the importance of the explanatory work of the headquarters, expressed support for the ongoing events.
As previously reported, in order to consolidate the legal community of the country, the Headquarters "For Fair Elections" was created on the basis of the Republican Public Association "Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers".
Its purpose is legal support of the constitutional reform provisions by the legal community in the public field, clarification of the main provisions of the electoral legislation, provision of legal assistance to participants in the electoral process, interaction with representatives of civil society and international organizations.