Meeting of the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science B.B. Meirbaev with representatives of the NGO "Partners for Health".

17 october, 2022

On October 17, 2022, a meeting was held between the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi KazNU B.B. Meirbaev with representatives of the NGO "Partners for Health". The discussion of possible fruitful cooperation was attended by The director of the Representative Office in Kazakhstan "Partners for Health" E. Algozhin, the specialist psychologist of the "Many Voices Collaborative" project S. Sandybaev, and the coordinator of the "Many Voices" project S. Kozhabekov, head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology A.K. Mynbaeva. Areas of cooperation were outlined for the project of preserving the mental health of first-year students. The initiative for cooperation was proposed by the NGO "Partners for Health" and Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences S.K. Kudaibergenova.