Fair Economy: priorities of socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

15 november, 2022

The Department of «Economics» of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a republican round table on November 10, 2022 with the participation of undergraduates of the L.M.Gumilev Eurasian National University on the topic "Fair Economy: priorities of socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

The round table was attended by 2nd year undergraduates of the specialty "Economics" named after L. M. Gumilev: Eleusiz A. K., Bauyrzhan Zh., Eleusinova A. B., Didarovna K., Isaev A., Ospan K., Zhuravlev A. F., Korolev P. O. During the round table, participants shared their views on the issues of "fair Kazakhstan", "fair society", "fair economy".

Currently, citizens' incomes are much lower compared to our economic potential. This situation has developed mainly due to the lack of large-scale processing of raw materials in Kazakhstan. Therefore, we ensure the supply of raw materials available for business for the production of finished products. In a fair Kazakhstan, decent conditions will be created for any small, medium and large business that complies with the requirements of the law. Permanent jobs will be created in all sectors of the economy. Special attention is paid to the integrated development of the entire region.

The organizers of the round table: Head of the Department of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Professor m.a. Daulieva G. R., senior teachers of the Department Ilyashova G. K., Kuliyev I. U., Turarov D. R.