The Department of Business Technologies informs about the VI International student correspondence Olympiad on the topic: "DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN LOGISTICS AND MARKETING" in the specialties "Logistics" and "Marketing"

15 november, 2022

The Department of Business Technologies informs about the

VI International student correspondence Olympiad on the topic:


in the specialties "Logistics" and "Marketing"


The VI International student correspondence Olympiad (hereinafter - the Olympiad) can be attended by students of the specialties "Logistics", "Marketing" of higher education institutions of 2-3 courses of full-time education.

The Olympiad is held as follows: participants send completed tasks on the topic within the specialty

Task number 1: write an essay on the subject of the Olympiad;

Task number 2: prepare a project on the topic of the Olympiad.

Based on the results of the replies sent, 6 teams are selected for each specialty, which scored the highest number of points.

The winners who took the first, second and third places will be awarded with diplomas

All completed tasks should be sent by e-mail to the organizers in one letter, in the subject of which indicate: the name of the uniVIersity, the team, before 12/01/2022 to the following address: