Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an International Scientific Conference (1st Zharikbayev Readings) on the theme "Actual problems of psychology and pedagogy development" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Professor K.B. Zharikbayev

17 november, 2022

On November 17, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference First Zharikbaev Readings "Actual Problems of Psychology and Pedagogy," organized by the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, was held.

Member of the Management Board – Vice-Rector for Social Development of Al-Farabi KazNU N.S. Aydosov opened the plenary session, delivered a welcoming letter from the Rector of KazNU named after al-Farabi

The moderator of the meeting – Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science B.B. Meirbayev noted the significance of this event for the psychological science of Kazakhstan. He recalled the main milestones of the life of Professor K.B. Zharikbayev.

The conference was attended by famous scientists, psychologists, practitioners. The memory of the student life of KazSU of the 50s of the twentieth century and friendship with Kubigul Bozaevich was shared by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor J. Turkpenuly. Prominent scientists made scientific reports – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of KazNWPU H.T. Sheryazdanova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Caspian University Zh.I. Namazbaeva, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of KSU named after E. Buketov B.A. Amirova (Karaganda), Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor S.K. Berdibaeva; Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, President of the Kazakh Psychological Society - M.A. Perlimbetov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of KazUIRMWL S.A. Uzakbaeva; Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of KazNPU named after Abai A. T. Akazhanov; Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Turan University O.S. Sangilbaev; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Atyrau GU Zh.N. Sabirova (Atyrau).

Foreign guests made welcoming words and presentations – Doctor of Psychology, Professor T.I. Shulga (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor B.R. Kadyrov (Uzbekistan), Doctor of Psychology, Professor A. Garber (Netherlands-Germany). The event was also actively attended by the faculty of philosophy and political science, master's students, doctoral students, bachelor students.

The special atmosphere of the event was betrayed by the speech of the daughter of Professor Kubigul Bozaevich Zharikbaev – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Kainar Academy Marzhan Kubigulovna Akhmetova. M.K. Akhmetova shared her memories, presented a video presentation with photographs about the life and academic path of K.B. Zharikbaev, from the post-war years of the twentieth century to the first decades of the 21st century. A video about the professor, archival materials, academician awards, his notes, congratulatory addresses from organizations of different years were demonstrated.

After lunch, sectional sessions were held in the library of KazNU named after al-Farabi.

At the end of the event, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Bekzhan Berikbayuly Meirbaev and Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology A.K. Mynbayeva summed up the results of the conference. They thanked the speakers, participants and heads of the al-Farabi library for their support and participation in the organization, expressed the hope that such a forum will become a good tradition for the development of psychological science in Kazakhstan.