18 november, 2022

On November 18, 2022, in room 202 of the HSEB of the Al-Farabi KazNU, an event dedicated to the International Students' Day was held on the theme: "In the ocean of student life." The organizers of the event are: Akhmetova Z.B., c.e.s., Associate Professor (docent) Head of the Department of “Business Technologies” of the HSEB of the Al-Farabi KazNU, Turlybekova N.M., Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of the Department “Business Technologies" HSEB of the Al-Farabi KazNU on educational and methodological work, c.e.s. (PhD), Acting Professor KozhamkulovaZh.T. and senior lecturer Shurenov N.B., PhD student Golubtsov D. and The International Institute of Economics, Management and Information Systems (MIESIS) Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

With a welcoming speech, Turlybekova N.M., Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of the Department of "Business Technologies" of the HSEB of the Al-Farabi KazNU on educational and methodological work, who congratulated the students on the holiday and wished all students success and successful completion of the winter session.

Also, at the event dedicated to the International Students' Day, Lepeshkina Svetlana Viktorovna, Deputy Director of MIESIS for Educational Work and Employment of Graduates, delivered a welcoming speech and congratulations. Lepeshkina S.V. after the congratulations, she told the students about the International Creative Competition on the theme "Students - the golden time", about the goals, objectives and stages, the timing of the competition. At the event, with a welcoming speech and congratulations, the teaching staff of the Department of "Business Technologies" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University: d.e.s., Associate Professor Beisenova M.U., c.t.s., Acting Associate Professor Akhmetkalieva S.K. and senior lectures Bekmetova A.K., Shurenov N.B.

During the event, students were told about the history of the International Students' Day and showed a video, a mini-film about this holiday. Also, the students were told about how this holiday is celebrated by students from foreign countries, such as the Czech Republic, the USA, Japan, Poland, Brazil, Egypt, etc. At the end of the event, the students played a game of Kahoot, answering some very fun quizzes about student life.