Country branding

8 december, 2022

On December 7, at 11 00, a meeting was held at Al-Farabi KazNU with a well-known Romanian scientist in the field of marketing, Doctor (PhD) Goldbach Dumitru on the topic: “Country branding (on the example of Romania)”. The scientist noted the sights of Romania, the beauty of its mountains. Romania has all the minerals: oil, gas, uranium. Romania impresses with its very beautiful bays. Tourism is very developed in Romania. Romania is protected by UNESCO World Heritage. In the Republic of Romania, 6 sites are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List according to cultural criteria, and 1 site is included according to natural criteria, and it is recognized as a natural phenomenon of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance. Romania is a very rich country. The scientist said that several million dollars were spent from the budget to create the logo and brand of Romania. But according to the results of many ratings, Romania is not considered a developed country. Goldbach Dumitru noted that it is necessary to develop the recognition of the country. The scientist noted that Kazakhstan is rich in oil and gas, but the oil and gas industry does not show the country itself, because the people who come are far from the industry, therefore, the scientist said that it is necessary to develop tourism, you need to declare yourself. Goldbach Dumitru emphasized that the country should become recognizable, therefore it is necessary to develop its own brand of territories in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Of particular interest was the story of the scientist about successful strategies for the development of the country's brand, which can be applied to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Cooperation with the doctor (PhD) Goldbach Dumitru assumes further fruitful work with scientists from Al-Farabi KazNU, it is planned to co-teach disciplines in the specialty "Marketing", consulting undergraduates and doctoral students.