21 february, 2023

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to take a part in the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi alemi”, to be held on April 6-7, 2023, in a hybrid format. The conference is open for students, graduate students and young scientists under 35 years of universities and research institutions of Kazakhstan and other countries.   

     Breakout sessions of the conference will be held April 6-7, 2023.

    The conference will review the reports of the theoretical, experimental and applied research in various branches of science and scientific inventions.

    The languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian and English.

    In the framework of the largest conference of students and young scientists, following sections are to operate at Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of al-Farabi KazNU

Section 1. Differential Equations and Their Applications

Section Chair: Ashyrova Gyzel - teacher

Secretary: Hasen Muqamadı - 2nd year master's student.

Jury: Temesheva Svetlana, Mirzakulova Aziza, Ergaliev Madi


Conference ID: 739 383 8261

Password: sW9FyE

Section 2. Function theory, algebra and logic

Section Chair: Dauletbay Bekarys- PhD doctoral student 1 course

Secretary: Bolatkyzy Aiakoz- 2nd year master's student.

Jury: Tulenbayev Kaisar, Sarsekeeva Aigul, Rakhimzhankyzy Fariza, Kurmanbay Damir


Conference ID: 739 383 8261

Password: sW9FyE

Section 3. Continuum mechanics

Section Chair: Tleuberdi Arai- PhD doctoral student 3rd course

Secretary: Kaliyeva Arailym– 1 st year master's student.

Jury: Turalina Dinara, Alibaeva Karlygash, Belyayev Yerzhan, Berdenova Bakytnur, Amanzholov Tannur, Seytov Abzal, Aliuly Abdurashid, Shayakhmetov Nurlan.

Link: %40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b0ab71a5-75b1-4d65-81f7- f479b4978d7b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2269e6b3e0-eb57-4d03-bd15- 92b4748ad313%22%7d

Section 4. Theoretical and applied mechanics

Section Chair: Kalybekova Aigerim - PhD doctoral student 3 course.

Secretary: Yergazy Zhansaya – 2 nd year master's student.

Jury: Eraliyev Abylai, Savelyev Evgeny, Zhumasheva Zhadyra, Kalieva Nazgul, Kaimov Suleymen, Nogaybaeva Makpal, Baisbaeva Oralkhan, Amanov Bekzat, Sagitzhanov Birlik, Kosherbayeva Aiken.


Conference ID: 783 7887 1539

Password: 12345678

Section 5. Space Engineering and Technology

Section Chair: Magzumov Aibar - PhD doctoral student 1 course

Secretary: Bakirova Yuliya – 1 st year master's student.

Jury: Jamalov Nutpulla, Ibraev Aydos, Doszhan Nursultan, Lyazat Zhanbolat, Sakhaeva Aigerim, Oshmanova Aizhan, Beisembekova Meruert, Zhunusov Rustem, Baden Alibi.


Conference ID: 264 313 1332

Password: 123

Section 6. Actuarial mathematics and statistics

Section Chair: Tamabay Dinara - PhD doctoral student 2nd course

Secretary: Tanatova Sandugash - 1st year master's student

Jury: Sikhov Mirbulat, Akanbai Nursadyk, Knykova Akzharkyn, Zhumanova Lyazzat, Suleimenova Zoya, Kovaleva Irina, Kassenov Syrym, Berikhanova Marzhan, Asubay Azamat, Tapeeva Samal, Sherniyazov Kairat, Zhumali Ainur


Section 7. Mathematical modeling and computational mathematics

Section Chair: Sabirova Roza - PhD doctoral student 3 course

Secretary: Sabirova Yuliya - PhD doctoral student 1 course.

Jury: Bektemesov Zh.M., Abdibekov U.S., Khadzhieva L.A., Mausumbekova S.D., Beketaeva A.O., Kudaibergenov А.А Kudaibergenov A.А, Kulbai M.N., Umbetkulova A.B., Baitelieva A.A., Azhikhan A., Shakenov K.K., Baitulenov Zh.B., Dairbayeva L.M.

Link: dd9ecad3b333@b0ab71a5-75b1-4d65-81f7-f479b4978d7b

Plenary session.

Section Chair: Abdibekov Ualikhan

Secretary: Doszhan Nursultan

Jury: Abdibekov U.S., Zhomartova Sh. A., Doszhan N.S., Bektemesov Zh.M., Turalina D.E. Khompysh Kh., Temirbekov A.N.

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More information on the conference website: