XIII O. A. Zholdasbekov International Competition of Research Projects in Mathematics and Mechanics

3 march, 2023

From March 1 to March 3, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics together with the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" organized the XIII International Competition of research projects in Mathematics and Mechanics named after U.A.Dzholdasbekov.


The event dedicated to the 92nd anniversary of U.A.Dzholdasbekov began on March 1 with the ceremony of laying flowers to the monument of the Academician. The grand opening of the competition took place in the "Red Hall" of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics named after U.A.Dzholdasbekov, where students from different parts of the country presented their research projects in mathematics and mechanics in the library named after Al-Farabi. The teaching staff of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was part of the jury of the competition.


The results of the two-day competition were announced on March 3, the winners and prize-winners were awarded with diplomas and medals in the "Red Hall" of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty named after U.A.Dzholdasbekov.