"the 1st March - Thanksgiving Day"

3 march, 2023

Since 2016, our country has been celebrating the holiday: "March 1st - Thanksgiving Day." On January 14, 2016, the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev declared "March 1 - Thanksgiving Day" the day of establishing the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and signed Decree No. 173. This holiday is considered the Day of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan which unites all nations living on the territory of Kazakhstan under a single Shanyrak. It is the main core of "Mangilik El" national patriotic idea and determines our identity. It is aimed at the eternal unification of the people of Kazakhstan.

On the eve of this holiday, the teacher of A. Baitursynuly Department of Kazakh Linguistics, PhD, Akkuzova Ainur Abdyzhalilovn held an educational event with the 1st year students studying in the specialties: "Information Technology", "Information Security Systems", "Mathematics", "Mechanics". The students prepared the presentations and the videos. They took an active part in discussions and learnt about the history of the origin and the educational significance of the holiday: "March 1 - Thanksgiving Day". The students of other nationalities learned about the history of their ancestors thanks to the given event. Through their ancestors’ memories they told about Kazakh people’s support in the periods of voluntary emigration and forcible deportation of the people of other nationalities to Kazakhstan. Today's students are the descendants of these people who move to Kazakh land many years ago. The students of Uzbek, Uighur, Tatar, Turkmen and German nationalities are studying in these specialties. In such multinational student’s groups there is a spirit of solidarity and mutual respect among their members.


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