Republican competition of the SRWS 2023

4 april, 2023

According to the letter of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 06-2/83-VN dated March 15, 2023, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the base university for holding the annual Republican competition of the Scientific Research Work of Students and informs on the beginning of the acceptance of tender documents for the II stage for the following educational programs:









7М05209-Geoecology and Environmental Management.

Works for the competition are accepted in accordance with the requirements of the "Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the annual competition of the Scientific Research Work of Students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" until April 29, 2023.

We kindly ask you to submit works for the competition within the specified time:

-     on paper (marked "For the republican competition of the Scientific Research Work of Students") at the address: 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 71, NJSC "Al-Farabi KazNU".

-     on electronic carrier, e-mail:

Inquiries by phone: 8 (727) 377 33 33, ext. 11-62.

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