The Faculty of Oriental Studies held a round table "Actual problems of Oriental Studies"Farabi University

The Faculty of Oriental Studies held a round table "Actual problems of Oriental Studies"

8 april, 2023

      On April 6, 2023, at the grand opening of the round table "Actual Problems of Orientalists", Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Ph.D., Associate Professor Em N.B. noted the importance of this specialty, also noted the strategic role of Orientalists and the need to work towards improving conditions and creating opportunities for young Orientalists. Eminent scientists, honored teachers and founders of the Faculty of Oriental Studies took part in the round table, such as: PhD, Professor Nadirova G.E., PhD, Professor Zhubatova B.N., PhD, Professor Mukhametkhanuly N.., Ph.D., Associate Professor Kydyr T.E., PhD, Associate Professor Dauen D.B., PhD, Visiting Professor Takashi N., Ph.D., Associate Professor Kurmanali Chakyroglou A.A., Associate Professor Kuanyshbayev E.A., as well as faculty members, students, undergraduates and doctoral students.

       During the round table, pressing and topical problems of Orientalists, current trends in the development of scientific research, as well as issues of self-presentation and branding of the profession of Orientalists, the importance of written sources and new trends in the minds of young scientists were considered. The proposals put forward by the scientists were warmly received by the audience, found a response and caused heated discussions. According to the results of the round table, a resolution was drawn up.

Also, at the end of the round table, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the international conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi" took place.