Al-Farabi Kazakh National University celebrated Nauryz, the great day of the nation.

21 march, 2023

The celebration of Nauryz, the great day of the nation, was held within the framework of the festive program "New Kazakhstan: values that unite the nation". This holiday was attended by well-known state and public figures, scientists, veterans of the faculty, teachers and students of kaznu. In 2023, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a new format for Nauryz, the great day of the nation. As for the features: this year, the guests not only celebrated a Nauryz, fed their bellies, but also organized national games and exhibitions, which were held one by one, glorifying different values. Within the same Exhibitions, The Faculty of Biology and biotechnology also presented a small exhibition. Colorful room flowers were placed in front of the biologists ' yurt, and on the other side were stuffed animals brought from the Museum of Biology, the pride of the Faculty of Biology, an eagle and an eagle. Our small exhibition pleased the guests. Talented students of our faculty played National Instruments and sang songs. Our students from near and far abroad, such as Iran, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, showed their skills and took turns dancing. Happy Kazakh nation nauryz holiday. Let our country be safe and peaceful.

Jumakhanova G.B., senior teacher

Chair of biodiversity and bioresources  


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