Traditional Republican subject Olympiad

21 april, 2023

     On April 19-21, 2023, the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty "6b02207-Oriental Studies" was held on the basis of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al - Farabi kaznu. The competition was attended by students of 2-3-4 courses from L. N. Gumilev Eurasian University, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages is a world class university and Al-Farabi kazNU, studying in higher educational institutions of the country in the specialty "Oriental Studies". A total of 24 students are registered in the Chinese language. 8 people took part in the second round of the competition. At the second stage of the competition, the participants defended their projects on the topic: "culture of the East: cultural significance of the historical heritage of China". As a result of the competition, the 1st place was won by Turdan Olzhas, a 4th year student of the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The second place was given to 2 people. It was awarded to 3rd year student of the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of kaznu Imantaeva Gulzhainar and 3rd year student of ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov Zhakin Gulnaz. The 3rd place for 3 people was taken by Alikhan Makhashev, a 2nd-year student of Al-Farabi University, Sofya Zhabinskaya, a 2nd-year student of the ABYLAIKHAN University and Al University, and Erke Dalabayeva, a 3rd-year student of ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov. The winners and prize-winners were awarded with books and a cash prize awarded by sponsors. It should be noted that this year's olipiad was sponsored by the publishing house "Oriental literature" and the bookstore "chance" and a 2003 graduate of our faculty, now chairman of the Association of tanneries of Kazakhstan, director of "Kazlitermekh" LLP Nuptekeev Nurman Battalgazievich.

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