“Business Technology” Department held the XV Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty “6B04107- Marketing”

2 may, 2023

For participation in the XV Republican student Olympiad on speciality “6B04107- Marketing received 20 applications from different universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the II round of the Olympiad took part 10 teams from 9 Universities: team Prime (Al-Farabi KazNU), team Green Team (Almaty Management University), team Brain (Al-Farabi KazNU), team Graphite Sprouts(Toraigyrov University), team Unity (International Transport and Humanitarian University), team Ecolove (Kazakh National Agrarian Research University), team PopStar (Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin), team TITUL (International Engineering and Technological University), team GreeNovation (Narxoz University), team ECO-Trend (University Kazpotrebsoyuz of Karagandy).

The Olympiad was held in order to identify the development of special professional abilities of future specialists in the field of marketing and is one of the factors supporting talented students.


Results of the XV Republican Student subject Olympiad in the specialty 6B04107 – Marketing

1. Diploma of the MSHE of the RK, I degree – Brainteam of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty;

2. Diploma of the MSHE of the RK, II degree – GreeNovation team of Narxoz University, Almaty;

Diploma of the MSHE of the RK, II degree   “Green Team” team, Almaty Management University, Almaty;

3. Diploma of the MSHE of the RK, III degree –Graphite Sprouts” team, Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar;

Diploma of the MSHE of the RK, III degree – PopStar” team, Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin, Astana;

Diploma of the MSHE of the RK, III degree  «Unity» team, International Transport and Humanitarian UniversityAlmaty.

In addition, the teams were awarded in the following Categories: 

The most promising ECO-project” - Prime team (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University). 

“The most original idea” - TITUL team (International Engineering and Technological University).

“The most creative team” -  ECO-Trend team (University Kazpotrebsoyuz of Karagandy). 

“The most social project” – Ecolove team (Kazakh National Agrarian Research University). 

In general, 30 participants from 9 universities of 3 regions of Kazakhstan took part in the XV Republican Student subject Olympiad in the specialty “6B04107– Marketing”. All participants of the Olympiad were awarded certificates for participation in the Olympiad.

The sponsors of the Olympiad at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (www.kaznu.kz), Public Company «Freedom Finance Global PLC» (https://ffin.kz/), LLPKazAgroFeed (www.kazagrofeed.kz), LLP  Kitapal (https://instagram.com/kitapal.kz?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y), LLP ADVERSO GROUP (https://adverso.kz were awarded prizes to the participants of the Olympiad.


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