The textbook of Turginbayeva Ardak Nesipbekovna doctor of economic sciences, was published.

10 may, 2023


In April 2023, the textbook of Turginbayeva Ardak Nesipbekovna, head of the ManagementDepartment of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of economic sciences, was published. The textbook "Organizational Change Management" is the second supplemented and updated edition of the author, previously published in 2017.

The current edition, published by the publishing house Kazakh University, considers the content of modern concepts of organizational change, management models, methods and tools. Topical issues such as the meaning and classification of changes in a modern organization, the external environment of an organization and the strategic choice of changes, methods of resistance to changes in an organization, the concept of a self-learning organization, the use of leadership in managing organizational changes, restructuring and reengineering of business processes, changes in corporate company culture, etc.

The textbook "Organizational Change Management" is intended for management students, undergraduates and doctoral students. At the end of the textbook there are control questions and tests, a glossary, case studies and recommended massive online courses. The paper version of the textbook can be found in the library of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.