The symposium "Toponymy of the Altai peoples" has started in KazNU

4 july, 2023

The XI International Symposium "Toponymy of the Altai Peoples" was launched at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, organized by the Academy of the Altai Association and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Altai studies is an independent branch of general linguistics that studies the origin, kinship, and development of the Altai languages, as well as Finno-Ugric, Japanese, Korean and other languages. Currently, the theory of studying the Altaic languages has spread to many countries under the name "Altaic Studies".

The main purpose and objectives of the symposium are the popularization of written and oral sources written and preserved from ancient times to the present day, the analysis of the reasons for the naming of toponyms, tribal names, proper names, phonetic and morphological changes of toponyms, etc.

The plenary session was opened by Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev. Welcoming the participants of the symposium, he stressed the relevance of the topic of the large-scale scientific event and the wide geography of the participants of the symposium, which brought together scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Japan, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, etc.

"Turkic and foreign scientists and researchers have been studying the Altai world for many years," said the head of the university. – Work in this direction began after independence. Fraternal peoples began to get to know each other better and explore the Turkic world together. The International Symposium of the Academy of the Altai Association annually expands the thematic range. Scientific research is presented in the areas of archeology, ethnoarchaeology, history, data science, historiography, ethnolinguistics, folklore, literature, ethnology, cultural studies and other humanities. We hope that our symposium will give a new impetus to interesting scientific research on the historical and cultural ties of the Eurasian region. I wish the participants fruitful work and success!"

The plenary session was also addressed by: General President of Altai Communities Ilkhan Shahin, Consul General of Turkey – Ali Ryzah Akynzhi, Professor of Taraz Innovation and Humanities University named after Sherkhan Murtaza, Doctor of Philology Yerbolat Saurykov, Candidate of Philology, Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynov Anar Fazylzhan, President of the International Academy "Kazakh Language", Director of the International Center for Turkic Studies, correspondent of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Yerden Kazhybek, Director of the Institute of Eurasian Studies at MKTU named after A.Yassawi Suat Beilur et al.

Within the framework of the symposium, the importance of strengthening global interaction and cooperation was noted. Special attention was paid to the implementation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and negotiations on the establishment of a partnership for sustainable development.

Within the framework of the symposium, the work of sections on various areas of Altaic studies is planned. Scientists will discuss written and oral sources from ancient times to the present day, the results of research on the causes of place names, phonetic and morphological changes of toponyms, etc. Following the results of the symposium, a collection of speeches, reports, and articles of participants will be published, which will be available on the organizers' website.

Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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