Journalism is a dream profession

10 july, 2023

The profession of a journalist is multifaceted: it gives an opportunity to meet interesting and successful people, learn new information one of the first and share it with others, reflect different points of view about events. This is a real opportunity to help people by delving into their problems. Moreover, journalism is a creative profession, it is here that you can fully realize your abilities and dreams, while remaining honest and unbiased. Without the work of a journalist, there would be great silence and general ignorance in the world.

The more I learned about the profession of a journalist, the more clearly I realized that I did not see myself in other specialties. My parents always gave me the freedom to choose a profession, and immediately supported my initiative. But there is one feature of the profession of a journalist that distinguishes it from the many listed, and which, I think, suits me very well: the need for constant growth – both intellectual and professional. In order to cover various events, write about countries, people, and the latest scientific discoveries, you need to be well versed in this yourself, "match". And this involves expanding your horizons, vocabulary, and the ability to think creatively. All this is both frightening and inspiring at the same time. Yes, I may be self-confident and ambitious at the same time, but I think these are not the worst qualities for a journalist starting his career.

As long as I can remember, we have always had fresh newspapers and magazines at home. And my parents watched the news on TV every night. I met journalists as soon as I entered the university, where the editors-in-chief of both print publications and television taught us practical classes. I would like to give a great honor to my department for revealing my talent and only becoming even more interested in such a profession as a journalist. From the 1st year I started shooting my own reports, on completely different, and primarily topical topics. My first work was appreciated by the head of the Department of Journalism Mukasheva Manshuk Tynyshkalievna. Thanks to her experience in the field of journalism, our lectures were very interesting and informative. Participated in various training seminars, master classes from professionals in their field. So having received good support from the teaching staff, I continued to shoot and edit my own videos. Also, some of my articles were published on the official website of the university. After completing a production internship at the Caspian News TV channel in the 2nd year, it all started with the fact that I performed additional tasks from the editor-in-chief, practiced my basic knowledge in camerawork and the art of editing. Operators and editors aroused sincere interest, especially when they explained how they work, and sometimes allowed to participate in the process, sharing the secrets of the profession. Well, the chief editor of the TV channel offered me to try myself in journalism. Seeing the potential in me, he soon wanted to continue working with me. My career as a journalist did not begin with writing texts at all. Being an intern, I was given my own platform, where I continued to study from the 1st year. The process of shooting, editing and searching for ideas – that's what a novice journalist needs. Well, after that, I began to rapidly engage in other essential things. I became the SMM-schik of the TV channel. Studying algorithms of social networks and monitoring audience statistics is not an easy task. The sustainable development strategy includes the tasks of improving well-being and providing decent work, which is the key to economic stability and income growth. The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University pays special attention to this: the salaries of teachers and staff have been increased by 20%. This measure is aimed at social support of employees and improving their well-being, as well as increasing the prestige of the teaching profession.

Each event is a stepping stone for me to overcome internal contradictions and the opportunity to change: to become confident, relaxed, not afraid to be yourself. It was the professionals, and, most importantly, the very sensitive and responsive people working at Caspian News and at the Journalism Department, who opened up new opportunities in me: both personal and professional.

I understand that to become an infusionIt's not easy being a journalist. Nevertheless, I do not want to miss the chance to realize my dream, because my whole future life will depend on it – in the world that is called informational, and in which the media is the "fourth power".


2nd year student

journalism departments

Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov

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