Library as a social institution has always played a particular role in formation of the individuals morality. The University Library is an information center and a center of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic development. It would be impossible for universities to implement their educational and training functions without a good library.
The Scientific Library of al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a cultural and spiritual centre for students, masters, professors and for the whole educational academic staff.
Now, the Scientific library of KazNU is one of the oldest and largest university libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At present the fund of the Scientific library of KazNU exceeds more than 2 million printed units, and each year about 50-60 thousands of new copies of literature are enriched to the library.
Second year students of speciality "Heat power system" (Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics, Faculty of Physics and Technology) along with their adviser Tursynbayeva A.E. were volunteers to help the Research Library. This noble act can be considered as their love for the university.
Employees of the Research Library thanked the students for their help and wished them good luck in their studies and in later life.
It would be better if other students of our University also took part in such meetings.