30 july, 2023

An event on the theme "Healthy lifestyle and well-being" was held at the Department of Pre-university Training of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for students from abroad. The main issues addressed at this event are healthy eating, exercising, avoiding bad habits that can harm health, etc.

A healthy lifestyle is an individual system of human behavior that provides him with physical, mental and social well—being in a real environment (natural, man-made and social) and active longevity.

A healthy lifestyle creates the best conditions for the normal course of physiological and mental processes, which reduces the likelihood of various diseases and increases human life expectancy.

Elements of a healthy lifestyle:

Nurturing healthy habits and skills from early childhood.
Environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of adverse environmental factors on health.
Abstaining from smoking, drugs and alcohol consumption.
Healthy diet: moderate, appropriate to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed.
Movements: physically active life, including special physical exercises (for example, fitness), taking into account age and physiological characteristics.
Personal and public hygiene: a set of hygienic rules, the observance and implementation of which contributes to the preservation and promotion of health, possession of first aid skills.
The physiological state of a person is greatly influenced by his psychoemotional state. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

emotional well-being: psychohygiena, the ability to cope with their own emotions, problems;
intellectual well-being: the ability of a person to learn and use new information for optimal actions in new circumstances. Positive thinking.
spiritual well-being: the ability to set really meaningful, constructive life goals, strive for them and achieve them. Optimism.

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