Advanced training and professional retraining program "Logotherapy and Existential Analysis"

3 august, 2023

The program focuses on three areas: the theory of logotherapy and existential analysis, the experience of logotherapy, and practical application.

The program may be of interest to psychologists, psychotherapists, specialists in the field of medicine, the social sphere, and education.

Period of study.

Only four semesters. Two years of study. The professional retraining program is implemented in full-time and distance formats.

Number of hours

1050 academic hours.

Program cost

350,000 tenge per semester - full-time format, distance learning.

Form of education: full-time, distance, modular.

Class structure

Classes are held twice a week, from 18.00 to 21.00. In addition to evening classes - classes (weekends), with teachers from Europe. Classes consist of lectures, seminars, case studies, practical exercises, homework.

Mandatory requirements of the program

Attending at least 80% of lectures, independent work: reading and doing homework, doing practice. At the end of the first year of study, students complete coursework and take an exam. At the end of the second year of study, students complete the final thesis and take the final exam Tutorials

 "Logotherapy in Central Asia" is the only educational institution in Kazakhstan accredited by the Viktor Frankl Institute (Austria), offering a full course of logotherapy and existential analysis according to the concept of Viktor Frankl.

The Center conducts training programs and seminars for professional audiences, as well as seminars for a general audience, aimed at familiarizing with the possibilities of using logotherapy in life and developing practical psychological skills.