Professors and staff of KazNU awarded with "TURKSOY" medal

5 september, 2023

A delegation headed by the Secretary General of the International Organization of "TURKSOY" Sultan Rayev paid a working visit to the Al- Farabi Kazakh National University.

The guests of honor visited the KazNU Museum and Al-Farabi Library, familiarized themselves with the infrastructure of the higher educational institution.

Then the meeting of the Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev with the Secretary General of the International Organization of "TURKSOY" Sultan Raev took place. The parties discussed issues of further increasing bilateral cooperation, joint implementation of large-scale projects.

   Zhanseit Tuimebayev congratulated Sultan Raev on the 30th anniversary of the international organization "TURKSOY". Also in his speech, the Rector voiced a number of proposals aimed at further expansion of the partnership.

   "In 2024, KazNU will be 90 years old. In honor of this significant date I propose to hold a large-scale joint conference. The Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies functions on the basis of the university. At present, the Institute's specialists study rare manuscripts and ancient books, conduct research and analyze valuable data and materials. In addition, the Abay Research Institute and the Chair of "Turksoy" are successfully working in the higher education institution. We have enough Turkic scholars. Therefore, I call for joint work," the rector said.

  In turn, Sultan Akimuly stressed that he intends to strengthen cooperation between KazNU and the International Organization of "TURKSOY", and is ready to support all initiativ.

   "KazNU is one of the leading universities not only in Kazakhstan, but also in Central Asia. In the future, we plan to hold a youth forum that will unite young people of the entire Turkish world. I am sure that you will support this initiative and KazNU will take an active part in this event", - said Sultan Raev.

    During the meeting Sultan Akimuly awarded the laureate of the International Literary Award "Alash", writer Nurgali Oraz, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Press Secretary of KazNU, holder of the badge "Excellent Cultural Worker" Kanshayim Baydaulet jubilee medal to the 30th anniversary of the International Organization "TURKSOY" for his contribution to the development of culture and art of the Turkish world.

  The medal "Akhmet Baitursynuly" of the international organization "TURKSOY" was awarded to Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Berikbai Sagyndykuly, Director of the Research Institute "Abay", Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Zhangara Dadebaev, Director of the Research Institute of Turkology and Altai Studies, Professor Nursulu Shaimerdenova, Head of the Department of Turkology and Language Theory, Professor Raushangul Avakova, Head of the Kazakh Linguistics Department named after Akhmet Baitursynov Doctor of Philological Sciences Anarkul Salkynbai.

At the end of the meeting, the parties exchanged gifts and took pictures

Press- service of Al- Farabi Kazakh National University

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