Education at KazNU: we talk about it in an accessible and open way

19 september, 2023

On September 18, 2023, the Office of Academic and Digital Innovations (OA&DI), in collaboration with the Department of IT Infrastructure Development, conducted a virtual tour of the information and educational platforms at al-Farabi KazNU.

Specially for first-year students and new faculty members, employees of the departments responsible for providing digital services and new educational technologies at al-Farabi KazNU conducted a virtual tour of the university's information and educational platforms:

- The educational process automation information system, Univer,

- The Moodle distance learning system,

- The Open KazNU platform for massive open online courses (MOOCs),

- The educational online project, Open Master Class."

The attendees learned that the Univer Information System is the central system within the university, serving as a comprehensive administrative and management system for the university's educational activities, covering the entire cycle of the educational process.

On the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS), both distance learning and the "flipped classroom" model are implemented through Small Private Online Courses (SPOC), which are closed campus online courses created by instructors specifically for students studying a particular discipline.

On the Open KazNU platform for massive open online courses (MOOCs), online courses created by instructors from al-Farabi KazNU are published. These courses are available for free not only to students and university staff but also to anyone who wishes to participate as an external listener. The key is to register on the platform, meet the course registration deadlines, course start dates, and submit assignments by the specified deadlines. Upon successful completion of an online course, the participant receives an electronic certificate, which is recorded in the listener's personal profile.

Educational online project, Open Master Class, offers captivating and accessible online courses by well-known figures in Kazakhstan, including representatives from the fields of culture and science, business and finance, politics, and new information technologies.

Instructors are prominent individuals who have achieved remarkable success by dedicating their lives to their passions. They continue to be curious about the new and commit to lifelong learning. In their master classes, they openly and honestly share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.

Speakers were Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Musinova A.A., Head of OA&DI Nesterenkov P.A., chief specialists of OA&DI Mankeeva A.A., Atabaeva M.K., Department of IT-infrastructure development support software engineer Alkozhaeva A.S.

Listeners of the webinar asked several questions about the use of information and educational platforms, to which they received answers from developers and system administrators of the platforms.

Press- service of Al- Farabi Kazakh National University.


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