11 october, 2023

Investment in innovation is the financing of projects aimed at creating a new or improving an existing product. The result of innovative activity can be not only a product or service, but also the development of new production methods and technologies, modern software, new methods in the field of labor organization, business relations. There will be no economic growth and development without innovation.

Innovative investment activity is able to ensure the implementation of one of the main goals of investment — making a profit. However, in addition to profits, innovations provide competitive advantages, as well as new technologies.By investing in innovations, the process of scientific and creative activity is financed, which is aimed at improving existing methods of production and provision of services, by implementing ideas in the form of the production of new products.

To create a new product, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures, such as: market research, design and construction, launch and maintenance of production. All this requires funds. That is why investing in innovation is so relevant today.

In this regard, the study of logistics infrastructures, as well as the knowledge of investing in innovative technologies helps undergraduates to fulfill the goals of sustainable development and tasks, successfully implement their plans in obtaining a quality education. That is, the better a graduate student understands basic and advanced investment goals, the more he understands how to improve his life in the future using new technologies.

So, on October 10, 2023, on the implementation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as in honor of the celebration - "Logistics Day" (October 12), a seminar discussion was held at the Department of Business Technologies under the leadership of the head of the Department Akhmetova Z.B. and associate professors Beisenova M.U., Kamali K.M. on the topic: "Investments in logistics innovative technologies" with undergraduates of the 1st year of the specialty "Logistics", where undergraduates actively debated on the topic assigned to them.