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- Do you love football as much as they love it at the Higher School of Economics and Business?
Do you love football as much as they love it at the Higher School of Economics and Business?
On October 11, 2023, the Dean’s Cup of the Higher School of Economics and Business in mini-football was successfully held at the sports complex of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 11 teams took part in the competition. The Cup attracted a large number of participants and fans. The competition was attended by students, undergraduates and teachers. All teams performed well and fought uncompromisingly until the last minutes. As a result, the Magnat team won, winning the Cup. The cup was presented to the winners by HSE&B Dean Professor L.A. Bimendieva.
The Department of Business Technology congratulates the winning team:
1) Murat Nurdaulet - Logistics gr K-1
2) Batyrkhan Bakdaulet –Logistics gr K-1
3) Narikbai didar – Logistics gr K-1
4) Nurmukhanbet Bakdaulet – Logistics gr K-1
Thank you guys for an honest and brilliant game!