October 12 is the International Logistics Day!Farabi University

October 12 is the International Logistics Day!

12 october, 2023

October 12 is the International Logistics Day! In the modern world, not only organizations, but also consumers cannot imagine their lives without logistics. The role of logistics is difficult to overestimate. Connecting not only countries, but also continents, it is developing exponentially. There is a tendency in the labor market of Kazakhstan to increase the need for specialists versed in logistics.  

Al-Farabi KazNU https://farabi.university/  has been training logisticians since 2011. The teaching staff of the Department of Business Technologies, consisting of professors, associate professors, PhD, senior teachers and employers, provides up-to-date knowledge and shares practical experience. To date, 442 bachelors, 47 undergraduates and 11 doctoral students are studying. Thus, the Department of Business Technology implements SDG 4 - by 2030, significantly increase the number of graduates with in–demand, professional and technical skills for employment, improving their competitiveness in the labor market and engaging in entrepreneurial activity. Speaking about the fact that the employability of graduates is 90%, without false modesty, we can note the implementation of another SDG 8 – by 2030 to ensure full and productive employment for all women and men, including young people and the disabled, and equal pay for work of equal value.

Congratulations to everyone on the Logistician's Day!!! 

We wish you success in solving complex tasks and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals!