"Eliminate hunger, achieve food security and develop a sustainable agriculture"
Today, Associate Professor of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Ph.D. Yrgynbaeva Shynar Mukhametzhanovna gave an open lecture on the topic “Eliminating hunger, achieving food security and developing sustainable agriculture.” The listeners were 3rd year students majoring in Genetics. The purpose of this lecture was to discuss methods and strategies that increase agricultural productivity and profitability, as well as the conditions necessary to achieve food security.
During the discussion, the work carried out in the field of increasing agricultural production in general and the production of safe food in particular was analyzed. Sustainable development can be achieved, among other things, through timely diagnosis and control of viral plant diseases. After all, the main task of agriculture in the 21st century is not only the production of high-quality food for the ever-growing population of the planet, but also the preservation of the environment and human health.
Pests and diseases, especially viral ones, have a significant negative economic impact on agriculture, so correct identification of viral pathogens is now more important than ever.