Biotechnologists invented Unique Nutritious Dairy Product Recipes

12 october, 2023

October 11, 2023 in the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, students majoring in "Biotechnology" at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took on the responsibility of addressing the global issue of hunger. As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), these students developed unique recipes for nutritious dairy products within the discipline of "Industrial Biotechnology." This project became possible due to the joint efforts of the students and lecturer of the Biotechnology Department, A.S. Kistaubayeva.

With these talented students, tackling the problem of hunger became a heartfelt endeavor. Their creative approach and diligence led to the creation of dairy products enriched with essential nutrients. The innovative methods proposed by the students not only make the products delicious but also ensure a high content of protein, vitamins, and minerals necessary for health.

"This project is not just a scientific study but also our contribution to the common good," said one of the students. "We are confident that the nutritious products we have created can help those facing food shortages, providing them not only with satisfaction from taste but also with essential nutrients.

The Biotechnology Department and the students express their gratitude to the university for its support and the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. These creative dairy product recipes mark a significant step forward in the fight against hunger and continue to emphasize the importance of education and science in creating a sustainable future for everyone.

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