SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth.

9 october, 2023

On October 9, 2023, during the organization of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, a meeting of students was held with the delegation of TechGarden Kazakhstan and the robotics company Kuka ( The meeting was attended by the director and official representative of Kuka Nordic & CIS (Sweden) Kim Rislev and the president of the Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics Torekhanov Vladimir Baidullauly. During the meeting, guests and students discussed the prospects for the development of robotics in Kazakhstan and issues of cooperation for the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, company representatives answered questions from teachers and students, and a good exchange of views took place. Mission Creation of an ecosystem to support industrial enterprises in their digital transformation and stimulate the active implementation of digital technologies. That is, achieving a critical mass of “lighthouse” enterprises - market drivers (~20% of the pool of enterprises in the mining and metals industry, oil and gas industry, mechanical engineering, etc.), actively introducing new technologies to acquire financial and operational advantages. And, KUKA AG is a German company that produces industrial robots.